For over thirty-five years we at Filtec Precise have been dedicated to being a reliable and innovative partner in the conversion of technical fibers. As a member of the International Filtec Group, we are continuously evolving. This development is highlighted by strategic objectives that move us beyond pure twisting and allow us to create customized high-quality solutions to suit our customers’ needs.
We recognize that our customers have individual requirements directly related to the specific application of their product. Our experts are available to innovate solutions tailored to your specific needs.

Our business began as a twisting operation, and we continue these services today. However, as our customers have grown, we have grown as well. From the beginning of the development process to the completion of the end product we use a wide range of manufacturing technologies. With our diverse technical expertise, we are able to make adjustments beyond established technologies and customize our process and equipment to your needs.

In our laboratory and innovation center we have all the necessary equipment and technology to support you in the development process of your products.

Air Entanglement
As a preparatory process or as a stand-alone process, we can air entangle or “intermingle” your base yarn.

Filtec Precise was originally opened as a twisting mill, and twisting remains one of our core competencies today.

This process is utilized immediately after twisting or as a stand-alone rewind process to change the make-up of basic yarn packages.

We encourage you to store both your raw material and finished goods in our storage area.

Yarn Procurement
We are continuously searching for more cost effective and innovative materials.
Why Filtec?
We understand that sometimes things must happen quickly. Because of our diverse capabilities we are able to quickly meet your needs.
High Quality
We are committed to producing defect free products and meeting our customers’ specifications.
Innovation and Collaboration
Our team of experts and attentive service provision work diligently to meet the individual needs of each customer. We are committed to growing our personal connections as we continue our innovative collaborations with our valued customers.